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高中 自慰 耿力平著《神志演义与伦理构建——1771至1817年间的英国演义》

发布日期:2024-12-04 04:01    点击次数:181

高中 自慰 耿力平著《神志演义与伦理构建——1771至1817年间的英国演义》

作家简介高中 自慰

耿力平,北京异邦语大学教悔(博士生导师),多伦多大学博士,主要从事英国十八世纪文学、加拿大现代演义以及文件学经营。曾 任教于自如军异邦语学院、北京对外经济贸易大学、多伦多大学、缅想大学、烟台大学、山东大学威海分校;曾为爱丁堡大学高档东说念主文经营院探访学者 (2001,2003)。曾获中国国度社科基金、加拿大文化艺术委员会、加拿大酬酢与国际贸易部、爱丁堡皇家学会、爱丁堡大学高档东说念主文经营院等机构的学术 资助;所经营的花样离别在中国、加拿大和好意思国出书,如The Loiterer (Ann Arbor: Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints, 2000),Swamp Angel: A Critical Edition (Ottawa: Tecumseh Press, 2005),Progressive States of Mind: Dialectical Elements in the Novels of Jane Austen (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006),《加拿大英语文学史》(北京大学出书社,2009;主译及审稿),A Critical Edition of the Novels of Scottish Writer Henry Mackenzie (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011)。在加拿大/好意思国及国内发表论文20余篇,如“The Loiterer and Jane Austen’s Literary Identity” (Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 2001),“The Rival Editions of Ethel Wilson’s Swamp Agnel”(Essays on Canadian Writing, 2002),“The Austens and the School Journalism of the 1780s and 90s”(Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, 2009)。经营后果两次获取山东省社会科学优秀后果二等奖(2007,2008),一次获取栽植部高等学校科学经营优秀后果(东说念主文社会科学)三等奖 (2009)。

《神志演义与伦理构建——1771至1817年间的英国演义》简介高中 自慰


“神志观念”是英国18世纪后期至19世纪初年伏击而又纷杂的文化念念潮, 曾永远受淡薄,但连年来海外联系论著多数目默契,在我国也引起一定反响。本书既是填补空缺的尝试之一。作家耿力平教悔是永远祥和该时辰英国文学的群众,精 勤治学,得益斐然,承担过海出门书麦肯皆演义全集和奥斯汀眷属配景尊府的剪辑责任,联系经营心得曾得到国际著名学者的唱和。本书不慑服西方学者不雅点,不简 单以政事气魄划界,侧重究诘几位其时有影响的演义家和奈何通过情节设置、东说念主物塑造和特色话语参与联系“感性”与“神志”的念念想争鸣并抒发了有诸多共同点的 说念德取向。对作品的具体分析能收拢体裁特色和论说细节,自大出塌实的谈话基本功和对其时英国历史文化尊府的稔熟。耿教悔的经营后果多用英语完成,但愿英语 专科教师和学生通过阅读,进一步了解英国社会在工业化起步及交易观念勃兴的时期以多角度反复长远究诘“sensibility”(神志观念要道词之一)的 模式,汇报说念德失范、进行“念念想建立”的历史警戒。——黄梅(中国社会科学院异邦文学经营所经营员,博士生导师,文学博士[好意思国拉特格斯大学])

This clearly written and cogently argued work makes a substantial, original contribution to studies of the fiction of sensibility. Beginning with chapters on novels written before and during the French Revolution by Henry Mackenzie, Robert Bage and Jane West, it concludes with a sustained analysis of the Regency novels of Jane Austen which considers both what she adopted from and what she rejected in her precursors. In doing so, it provides a fresh context for the study of one of England’s, and the world’s, greatest novelists.

——Peter Sabor, Canada Research Chair in Eighteenth-Century Studies, Professor of English and Director of the Burney Centre at McGill University, Canada

This is a masterly study of a crucial period in the development of the English novel. Centred on the complex and fascinating implications of the term “sensibility”, it addresses a number of key authors, including Jane Austen, and provides a wealth of astute textual criticism, while at the same time exploring the early English novel in its relationship to contemporary events and cultural emphases across Europe. The writing is clear and engaging, and this represents an important contribution to the study of both the English novel and issues of what constitutes ethical thought at a crucial period of English and European history.

——David Punter, Professor of English, University of Bristol, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, UK

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